There are few things in the world less important than a mans word. In this case, a statement was made at the beginning of the season, and it came true.
Matt Sassi said to his buddy, Anthony Triola: "If Bartolo Colon hits a home run this year, I'll get a commemorative tattoo". Before the game on Saturday I met them in McFadden's and they told me about this bet. You'd think, ok... that's not happening. Right? WRONG!
Coolest part of the bet was that they were both there to witness the feat in person. Matt is a Middletown, NY native that moved to San Diego. What were the odds that Bart would be on the hill the day of our invasion? What are the odds he'd go yard? Slim to damn near impossible.
Matt could have chickened out and not gotten it at all, or gotten something small that could easily have been hidden. Instead he went balls to the freakin' wall with pretty much a half sleeve. Tossed THE 7 LINE ARMY on there for good measure and added the date of Bart's now famous swing.
You manned up, Matt. Bravo.
We'll be spending Opening Weekend in Houston! Hopefully you'll be one of the 1,300 Mets fans kicking the season off with us in Texas! The Astros didn't have enough availability to fit us for Opening Day, so we locked up 1,300 tickets to game 2 of the season on March 29th.
Darren Meenan
T7L Founder / Owner - Follow Darren on Twitter | Follow Darren on Instagram