I'm on board with Frazier, just not with his thumb down

I'm on board with Frazier, just not with his thumb down

by Darren Meenan February 06, 2018 0 Comments

The Mets are getting Frazier on a two-year deal, $17 million deal. I'm all for this move. The Mets had a hole, and they filled it. Crazy to think that $17,000,000 is "cheap", but given the market and lack of moves, the Mets got a steal. Now go get Lynn/Cobb and complete this offseason.

Almost immediately #MetsTwitter started with the thumbs down stuff. "Should Mets fans start doing this now?";"Is it a Yankees thing?"; "It was a Frazier thing. It's ours now";"Is T7L going to make thumbs down shirts?"

Noah chimed in pretty quickly:

Do you, but I'm not on board. One thing is for certain, no matter what, we're absolutely not making thumbs down shirts. Thought it was lame when the Yankees did it too. 

I'm all on board with player unity. Anything that keeps the clubhouse light and the team loose is never a bad thing. The "claw" celebration, hit towels, crown for player of the game, whatever it may be. Just not a thumbs down. I get the irony, just not in to this one. 

This whole thing spawned from a September moment at Citi Field. Due to severe weather from Hurricane Irma down near Tampa, the Mets lent their ballpark, and the game was moved to Queens.

"Gary Dunaier, a 54-year-old Mets season ticket holder, gained fame when Frazier, then a member of the Yankees, blasted a three-home run during a game against the Rays at Citi Field and Dunaier was caught on camera giving the third baseman a thumbs down. He said he is happy Frazier will get a chance to do the same thing for the Amazin’s." - NY POST

To me, it's a Yankees thing, and even though it started from a moment in Queens (by a Mets fan), it should die in the Bronx. Now change to a thumbs up, and I could maybe get on board. After all, Gary was booing Frazier. The Yankees just chose to troll him and run with it.

What do you think? Chime in and watch Orange and Blue Thing Thursday at 6:00 PM Eastern on Facebook.com/The7Line for the results. 

Darren Meenan
Darren Meenan


T7L Founder / Owner - Follow Darren on Twitter

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