Who are you, Katie?

by Darren Meenan November 15, 2016 0 Comments

There's a face behind every cheer. While the sea of orange and blue unites as one until the last pitch, everyone has lives outside of the ballpark confines. T7LA has brought together thousands of like minded fans since 2012, but baseball isn't our only purpose in life. Obviously, everyone needs a way to fund their fandom. We do have some retirees in the crew, but at least 9 out of every 10 fans has a day job. What is it? What do you do? How did you become a Mets fan? What are you hobbies? Who are you? 

Here’s our chance to get to know each other a little better. We want to showcase the variety of people who cheer with us—accountants, artists, teachers, nurses, lawyers, court officers, students, entrepreneurs, soldiers. Kind of amazing in itself.  We can’t wait to learn more about your Mets experiences and your life outside the game. 

To submit your story, read THIS. Each Tuesday until April we'll pick a different fan to highlight. 

Next up is registered nurse, Katie from NJ. She cheered was with us down in Atlanta for her 24th birthday, and has been down with the crew since her first Bronx Invasion back in 2015. 


NAME: Katie F. @katiewenchh


WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? I'm a registered nurse currently working on a telemetry unit at a local hospital.

ANY INTERESTING HOBBIES? I'm a lover of the outdoors. My boyfriend and I spend a lot of time hiking, bike riding, and at the beach.

HOW DID YOU BECOME A METS FAN? WHAT YEAR? I've been a Mets fan since birth pretty much. Both of my parents are fans and I'm certain my dad's blood was orange and blue. Summertime meant relaxing in the backyard and listening to WFAN on the radio. My dad and I went to games together all the time and he taught me everything there is to know. Sadly, my dad passed away this past January and was too sick to understand that the Mets had made it to the World Series. I know he's up there now cheering them on for every game.

HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT T7LA? I first heard about T7LA in 2013. I started to notice this group in the outfield during games, and they looked like they were having so much fun. Thanks to twitter I learned it was The 7 Line and quickly signed up for the mailing list and began purchasing from the online store.

WHEN WAS YOUR FIRST TIME CHEERING WITH T7LA? My first T7LA outing wasn't until April of 2015 for the Bronx Invasion. I was honestly a little intimidated by T7LA at first. I assumed it was just a big group of friends and you had to know someone to tag along. I had never been to Yankee stadium, let alone seen a Subway
Series game, so my boyfriend bought us tickets and we had the BEST time. It was so exciting to walk though the stadium and see people in matching shirts who would smile, point and say hello even though we were perfect strangers. Everyone we met was awesome and I loved every minute of that game.

HOW MANY OUTINGS HAVE YOU HIT IN TOTAL? I've attended 7 outings total.

WHAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK? The fans. Everyone I've ever met at an outing is so cool and friendly, it literally feels like one giant family. It's impossible to have a bad time while you're sitting with T7LA even if the game isn't going our way. The excitement is electric and contagious.

ANY AWAY GAMES YET WITH T7LA? WHERE? I've hit 2 away games with T7LA. Bronx Invasion and Turner Field back in 2015.

FAVORITE OUTING MEMORY?  The outing in Atlanta was definitely my all time favorite. That game was on my 24th birthday; my boyfriend and I planned a whole vacation around the fact that I wanted to be at that game with T7LA for my birthday. I had a sign and everyone kept wishing me a happy birthday, even Braves fans. Turner Field also turned out to be one of my favorite stadiums I've been to, I thought it was beautiful and there was so much to see and do.

FAVORITE ALL TIME MET PLAYER? This is such a tough one. I'm gonna go with all time favorite being Mike Piazza. I grew up during his heyday. I attended Piazza's first game at Shea as a Met and his jersey was the first one I ever owned. He was a hero in my eyes. In recent years I'd say David Wright is my favorite Met. He embodies the spirit of this team. You can tell how much he cares about this team and what it means to him. The Mets couldn't have asked for a better captain.

SHEA OR CITI? Aesthetically, Citi is much nicer to look at, but I'm gonna go with Shea. No matter where you sat, you had pretty decent seats.

HAVE A BASEBALL BUCKET LIST? WHAT'S ON TOP OF IT? I'd love to get down to Port St. Lucie for Spring Training one year. I always talk about it but never follow through with the planning. Maybe this upcoming year will be the one!

LIKE ANY SPORTS BESIDES BASEBALL? WHAT TEAMS? Baseball is my first love, but I'm also a hockey fan. I root for my New Jersey Devils (just like Grandy!).

ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANNA ADD? Just wanna say I hope to make it out to more outings in the coming years and meet more awesome fans. I'm a super friendly gal so if you ever see me, just say hi!



Rebecca G.

Carmelo F.

Andrew I.

Bianca S.


Darren Meenan
Darren Meenan


T7L Founder / Owner - Follow Darren on Twitter | Follow Darren on Instagram

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