Hojo at Strawberry's!
by 2
July 30, 2011

Howard Johnson, better known to us as Hojo was at Strawberry's last night doing a meet and greet with the fans. Strawberry's is always busy on a normal Friday so as you'd expect having a WS Champion in the house would draw even more of a crowd.
I showed up around 6pm and the place was already packed out. Standing room only with a line out the door. Luckily we chose a spot towards the end end of the bar, which happened to be where they started the line up to get your items signed.
I ransacked my parents attic earlier in the day looking through all my old baseball cards, calendars and other goods for something to get signed but I decided on this original 1986 NL Champs sweatshirt that belonged to my grandfather.
"Poppy" watched almost every game after the 1986 season in this sweatshirt. Middle of summer and 95 degrees out? The sweatshirt was on. When I was growing up my Grandparents lived on Kissena Blvd in Flushing and if there was a game on he was glued to it. Meister Braubeer in hand and Planters unsalted peanuts next to him. That tall glass jar with the yellow cap. I remember it vividly like it was yesterday.
My grandfathers are the reason I became a Met fan and I felt it was fitting to start getting players from that team to start signing it.Hojo was the first and was happy to throw his John Hancock on it.

Howard made sure to make time for every fan. Signed whatever you brought, took photos and was a pleasure to meet. The event was very organized and everyone involved did a great job giving the fans enough time to meet Howard and not feel rushed.
I gave him one of the
Carter tshirts that I printed up with
On The Black and he was really appreciative to have it. I explained that we sent over $2,600 so far to the Gary Carter Foundation and he said it was great that the fans are doing something to give back.
Living so close to Strawberry's gives me the opportunity to meet players that I looked up to as a youngster. I'll have this sweatshirt with me from now on when I hear that one of the superstars of the 80's will be in town.
Thanks for the fun night Strawberry's! If you guys haven't been there yet their next big event is on August 13th for Douglaston Community Day. Come on down! They expect thousands of people to show up for a huge block party. Batting cages, dunk tank, food, music, fun.... AND Darryl invited his friends to come down. Doc Gooden will be there along with a few more ex players. More details coming soon.
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