Fan Photo: Diana Shea

by 2 December 20, 2011 0 Comments

  I received an e-mail from Mets fan Jason R. Sheppard. He saw our Photo Of The Day posts and wanted to share one of his own. I will let Jason explain this one to you in his own words.... "Just wanted to submit this photo, or at the very least share it. I took this in the summer of '08 when I was just getting into photography. I knew Shea would be gone soon and wanted to take some photos to remember it, honor it, etc. Well my friend Diana G. agreed to help me out and we headed out to Shea and snapped some shots. Most in retrospect turned out looking like just random shots with her standing around the stadium. But this particular photo stood out for me. While I feel I have grown leaps and bounds as a photog since. I definitely will always have a strong love for how this one turned out, with that old subway Shea sign. Feel free to share this photo on your site, or just to take a look for yourself is cool too. Just happy to share it with another diehard Met fan and tell a quick story. I am definitely a big supporter of your work and will continue to do so. Anyhow here is the photo and I included a link to my current photography site which is horror based. Full of women and blood. Hope you enjoy both and thanks for your shirts and your time. Sincerely, Jason R. Sheppard" Thank you Jason! I appreciate you taking the time to send that to me. I am happy to post it. Check out Jason's website HERE. If you'd like to submit your own photos send them to and include your name and brief story about your photo. I can't promise to post them ALL but will pick out the most interesting ones for use on this blog. THANKS!



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