"I have been very fortunate over the years to have experienced some once in a lifetime moments as a Met fan. Being on the field, in the dugout, meeting some all time greats etc... My all time favorite photo and moment was when I won a mid season contest at Shea in 2005. I answered all the baseball trivia correctly and unbeknownst to me I was then entered into a lottery for a million dollar pitch. They notified me two days before the final season game to appear at Shea to throw a "strike" for a million dollars. Not much time to prepare! What I didn't know was the "strike" meant getting that 3 1/2 inch ball in a 4 inch square hole. The end result did not yield the million bucks but instead truly a memorable moment. I missed it by about 6 inches and out of the four contestants was the only one to hit the board and come within inches. I won some great prizes, flat screen tv, a game used base and got an opportunity to see Mike Piazza on his last day as a Met and get one of his game used bats. Truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. The greatest gifts of all were sharing the day with my brother as my guest and this picture taken by the team photographer. Truly a phenomenal experience. - Nick"If you made the pitch today they'd offer you a chance at that minority stake that's been all the buzz. You'd just need to come up with the other $19,000,000 for the AMAZIN' perks. If you'd like to share your photo and story email it to darren@the7line.com
We hope you'll join us for the 2nd annual T7L7K! The inaugural event far exceeded our expectations and we know 2025 will be even greater. Run (or walk) with us through Flushing Meadows Corona Park, up to the Shea Stadium base paths, and back.