Since July Julia Quadrino hosted a live show called Big Apple Trivia on our Instagram account.
Contestants requested to go live with Julia to be on the show, and others played by answering trivia questions in the comments section.
Winners were crowed with fame, glory, bragging rights, and gift cards to our website.
Thanks to our friends from Coors Light for the tasty beverages during show tome. Don't forget to hit up to have Coors Light delivered! Press reset, chill, and of course, please remember to celebrate responsibly.
We're not totally sure if B.A.T. will be back for 2021, but it was a fun ride each Wednesday night during this weird baseball season.
Check out the archive:
We'll be spending Opening Weekend in Houston! Hopefully you'll be one of the 1,300 Mets fans kicking the season off with us in Texas! The Astros didn't have enough availability to fit us for Opening Day, so we locked up 1,300 tickets to game 2 of the season on March 29th.
The 7 Line