Well, it's been a fun season getting back to the ballparks with you guys.
We're down to the wire, and it's not looking too pretty. We have just one available game left on the regular season schedule. Join us at Citi Field on Thursday September 30th!
Thursday September 30th vs the Marlins at Citi Field. The final regular season home game. Tickets available now on Mets.com/The7LineArmy - $39 per per seat ticket and includes The 7 Line Army shirsey. 4 ticket max per transaction.
We're extremely saddened to hear that Rizky "Riz" Ridwan has passed. Riz was always a friendly face in the crowd and started cheering with The 7 Line Army a decade ago during the 2014 season. He hit San Francisco with us that year along with some games at Citi Field.
The 7 Line