Soon after David Wright announced he would be stepping away from the game as a player, grumblings begin as to what his future held. According to the Daily News, Wright will be joining the front office.
NEW: David Wright will soon begin a new role with the Mets, sources tell our @Ackert_Kristie
— NY Daily News Sports (@NYDNSports) January 7, 2019
The details remain rather vague about his job description at this time. Specifics as to what Wright will actually do as a member of the front office are unknown. Nonetheless, this was a no-brainer. Wright’s career was prematurely taken away from him. During the latter years of his career, it became abundantly clear as team captain Wright has more to offer than being a difference maker in the lineup. He was a true leader that made an impact just by simply being around the team.
We’ll see what Brodie has in store for the former captain. I don’t expect Wright to step right in and make personnel decisions. I also don’t expect him to step right in and take on a role that requires him to work full time. Wright’s family means the world to him and after working so hard on trying to stay on the field, he will definitely want to spend well-deserved time at home with his kids.
For now, I’d like to see Broadie use Wright as a true advisor. Not just in title, but really value Wright’s opinion. Let him give honest feedback about talent evaluation in and outside of the organization. He’s spent a lot of time around the minor league facility these past few years, he’s sure to be full of prospect knowledge. When it comes to players around the league, Wright was so well respected that he’s the type of guy I would want to help to court free agents.
Whatever the Mets decide to do with Wright, it better be more than parading him around like a dog and pony show. We don’t need a Jimmy Duggan pop out of the dugout and wave his little cap situation.
It’ll be weird seeing Wright out of uniform, but at least he’ll be staying put where he belongs. His last game wasn’t goodbye after all, it was just see you later – in a suit.
If the Mets were to make a World Series run this year I know Wright will be chomping at the bits to put a uniform on. Who says no to his bat off the bench?! Hey, it could happen…
UPDATE (1/7/19 4:30PM ET):
David Wright will assume a new role with the club as Special Advisor to #Mets COO Jeff Wilpon and @GMBVW. In a related move, the organization and David mutually agreed to his release from the current roster.
— New York Mets (@Mets) January 7, 2019
We'll be spending Opening Weekend in Houston! Hopefully you'll be one of the 1,300 Mets fans kicking the season off with us in Texas! The Astros didn't have enough availability to fit us for Opening Day, so we locked up 1,300 tickets to game 2 of the season on March 29th.
Tim Reilly
T7L contributing blogger - Follow Tim on Twitter