Stay classy, Philadelphia

Stay classy, Philadelphia

by Darren Meenan January 22, 2018 0 Comments

Listen, there are knuckleheads in every fan base. It's a shame when a whole group gets painted with the same brush over an isolated incident. But Philadelphia sports fans being jerks is no isolated incident. To some, it seems like violence and destruction is seen as a rite of passage.

Besides booing and pelting Santa with snowballs in 1968, who knows what else went down before the digital age. On Sunday, Philadelphia Eagles fans did their best to live up to their stellar reputation.

I, too, have been involved in a couple incidents down in Philly. The latest was in April of 2012. My wife and I watched the Mets lose a Sunday day game, and as we were headed back to my car, we heard "FUCK THE METS!" while a glass beer bottle was hurled our way. Crashing about 10 feet behind us. We didn't see who threw it, and I'm not about to go 1 on 20 with some Philly trash. We chalked it up as "hey, that's Philly for ya" and head home. It's unfortunate.

Booing and heckling are part of sports. That's expected. When we bring The 7 Line Army on the road, we're fully prepared and ready to get our fair share of it, and we dish it back. It's actually pretty fun and adds to the excitement. There is a line though, and it seems like, more often than not, that line gets crossed by Philadelphia sports fans. Are there "bad" Mets fans? Sure. I'm not here to stand up for the entire fan base, or claim that we're all saints. We're not. No fan base is completely clean. 

I wasn't too shocked to hear how many of my fellow Mets fans have had horrible experiences down at Citizens Bank Park.

Not quite sure what the solution is, but Philly as a whole just needs to do better. If you've had a positive experience down there, consider yourself lucky.

Darren Meenan
Darren Meenan


T7L Founder / Owner - Follow Darren on Twitter

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